Thursday, March 23, 2006

Things To Do In Milwaukee

1. Tour the Miller Brewery
2. Drink Miller
3. Eat at a Brewhouse restraunt
4. Drink Miller Lite
5. Admire all the different Miller billboards


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Abby, this is Rebecca Feldman (Lauren's partner). I have a really strange, out of the blue question for you... Lauren and I wanted to get an atlas to keep in the car and haven't been able to find one as thorough as the one we remember you and Becky having. Which one do you/did you have? And where on earth did you find it? My email address is rmfeldman81 at yahoo, or you can reply here or comment at my site or whatever.

Hope you're doing well! I read your other journal occasionally and it sounds like you guys are doing great... Congrats on buying a house!

7:47 PM  

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